Running a rescue is an expensive task. Here at Wellcat, we have a team of volunteers who dedicate their time to raise much needed funds for the cats to keep the rescue running. Here you can find all the upcoming events which we hope you can support us by attending. if you’re interested in joining the team and giving them a helping hand, please send us an email on

We are only a small team of volunteers. We try to keep this page up-to-date but it is likely that some events may not be found on this page. Please follow us on social media to ensure you don’t miss out on any of our events.

We are very proud to be Pets at Home, Quinton’s chosen Charity of the Year. Being a Community Partner at Pets at Home Foundation means that we receive pallets of stock and have our own display board and donation bin in store. These are our lifelines and we are beyond grateful to have been chosen by the Quinton store team, who we have a good relationship with. You will often find us in on a Saturday afternoon fundraising in store, so pop in and say hello to us!

When visiting in store and shopping online, did you know that if you sign up to, or already have a VIP card, you can choose Wellcat as your Charity Lifelines? This gives us a small donation every time you shop.

We are selling our handmade catnip Easter eggs, which are individually wrapped with two treats for only £3 per gift set. 

Postage is available for an additional £1.50. 

If you’d like to buy one (or more) please email us –

Payment can be made via Bank Transfer – 

Wellcat Rescue Charity 

Sort Code: 60-09-39

Account No: 85254606

(Colours of the toys and flavours of the treats varies)